Boost Your Mental Health by Reading

People often picture the word “health” with individuals who have fit bodies, a healthy diet, and a rigorous workout routine. While these factors are all well and good, they only touch on the physical side of health which many of us are already aware of.

In 1949, the Mental Health America organization decided to raise awareness on the importance of mental health by providing a yearly toolkit. These kits include materials that help individuals cope with psychological issues like handouts, worksheets, and reading materials.

For the latter, it’s no secret that reading offers several benefits but did you know that it can also help improve your overall mental health? Here are some benefits you get to enjoy while reading your favorite novel:

1. Boosts Brain Flexibility

Reading in general includes exercising certain aspects of the brain that results in overall better function. Reading certain books that portray certain concepts allow these complicated networks to improve their connectivity while also providing the chance to increase your vocabulary and overall literacy. All of which are tell-tale signs that not only does reading literally exercise your brain, it makes you smarter too!

2. Fosters Creativity

Reading stories, particularly fiction, provides the brain with opportunities to interpret, analyze, and even create certain concepts from the stories they have read. People who regularly read stories with open endings are more adept at creating their own conclusion and may even be able to critique other works based on their own merit and overall reading experience.

It’s not surprising that voracious readers often turn out to be great writers in the long run, provided their imagination has already been nurtured and developed.

3. Encourages Empathy

Fictional stories that feature characters that we more or less relate to on a personal level makes it easier for us to step into their shoes and see things in their point of view. Being an empathetic person allows us to not only understand ourselves but also to understand others. This results in a more positive and welcoming relationship thus making it easier for us to connect to more people in the long run.

4. Fights Stress

According to a study in the University of Sussex, reading can help combat stress by not only decreasing your blood pressure but also improve your heart rate. This results in relieving some tension in your muscles which is similar to meditation, another way of reducing stress. Another interesting fact about reading is that it’s an even better stress reliever than going for a walk or having a cup of tea!

So if you are feeling down about certain problems, one way to get your mind in the right set is to read something that you genuinely love whether it be Blind Alpha by Charlotte Michelle or The Bookworm Meets the Prince by Klarika Nuque.

Stress is normal and is a part of everyday life but that doesn’t mean that we should passively accept it as it is especially when we’re in the middle of a pandemic. While we are doing our best to keep our physical bodies healthy during lockdown, we should never forget that our mental health needs to be attended to as well

Blind Alpha

Janice Reeves is haunted by her past and terrified of her present. So when her school offers a trip to the Bahamas, she is all too eager to finally have a little taste of freedom. Unfortunately, things suddenly go sour when their plane crashes, and the only survivors left are her and her teacher, Mr. Casey Rush.

With nothing but their wits, can these two survive on the island? What will happen when they discover secrets about themselves along with some unexpected feelings?

The Bookworm Meets the Prince

Derek Matthews and April Leveque were best friends growing up. Unfortunately, a tragic accident occurred which changed Derek into a person April hardly recognize. Now a teenage heartthrob, Theo gives Derek a dare he must complete:

Win April Leveque’s heart then crush it.

Will he do the deed? Or will their rekindled friendship turn into something more?

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