Halloween is right around the corner. Perhaps you’re setting up the skeletons, bats, and all manners of creepy crawlies to give your house the freaky vibe. What better way to spice up that pumpkin spice latte than these three frightening books that can keep you up at night this season.
- The First 30 Days by Lora Powell
When I say “Halloween,” you can’t think of the holiday without ZOMBIES!
Transformed by a cure that was supposed to save humanity, the living dead now roam the world our protagonist, Bri, once called home. Using only her wits and the help of bat-wielding survivor, the two must now brave the feral, maddened world to find others.
Full of scares, hope, and the drive to survive, this book is quintessential for the month of spooks.
- The Subway by Jae Jae
You know what else is as scary as zombies wandering our world? How about the normal routine of your life going wrong?
That’s what happened to Gemma Connors. What was supposed to be a routine commute to high school in the subway turns into a dark nightmare as masked men take the train hostage and force them into a nightmarish version of “Hide and Seek,” where getting caught means death!
Perhaps you’d like to play as well? There’s always room for more players.
- Demented by Anna Gallegos
If the above two are too much, how about some bite-sized frights?
These short collection of stories is just enough to keep you up at night and still give you time to stew in the dark. Want a story with a vengeful baby? Maybe the bus you go on might bring you to hell? That kindly neighbor you have might have some . . . peculiar tastes?
All this and more at your fingertips . . . if you’re brave enough to dig in.