One of the most defining moments of people within the community is coming to terms with their identity. For some, this may involve having to “come out” to close friends, family members, and even the world.

While it’s not necessary to come out, many people have reported the benefits of doing so which includes living a more honest life and no longer having to worry about hiding your true self.
Nevertheless, if you are considering coming out, here are some very important things to remember:

1. Be Patient with Yourself

Coming out is a very personal experience which means it’s not going to be the same for everyone. You do not need to make a loud declaration when you decide to do so, or even answer to accusations if you have yet to figure out what you like. Remember, it’s your identity and you can come out whenever you feel like it.

2. Develop a Support Network

Much like there are benefits with coming out, there are also some added risks that can be frightening.
One of the best ways to reduce such risks is to have a network of support which may include close friends, family members, and individuals you can trust.
Additionally, you can also search for hotline assistance within your country to help sort out any conflicts you may experience.

3. Be Patient with Others

Other than being patient with oneself, one also has to remember to do the same with others. Coming out is a relatively new thing in certain parts of the world and is more common in the west than in the east.
Nevertheless, always remember that the people who love you will always find a way to stay in your life, some of them just need time . . .

4. Ask LGBT Friends to Share Their “Coming Out” Stories

Sometimes we all need a little perspective on how it went for others. If you know anyone who happens to identify themselves as part of the community, consider asking them for advice as well as their experience on what happened when they came out. It always helps to learn more about other’s experience.

5. Accept the Things You Can’t Change

In the end, it is up to you on how you want to deal with your identity. You always have a choice on how you want to present yourself, but always remember that the reactions of others may not be what you expect.

Coming out is a very personal experience and can be emotionally and mentally draining for some. While it’s not completely necessary to do so, being able to live your life the way you want can give you more freedom than you’ll ever imagine. As an important part of humanity, we appreciate you for who you are regardless whether you want to come out or not.

For more information, consider contacting your nearest LGBT+ community counselors. Stay safe and keep your glow!


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